Why Social Media is so Important for Your Business

What can we say? We live in a social world and it seems to keep becoming more and more public by the day. Even if your business doesn’t have social media, people are sure to still be talking about your brand online. You can’t escape the chatter by just avoiding it, but you can use it to your advantage by joining in. Social media allows you to better reach your customers, create online networks and relationships, sell and promote your products and services online, stay relevant, create loyalty, stay in the know about what people are saying about your business and your competitors, and so much more. As if that isn’t enough to explain why social media is so important for your business, in this article, we are going to dig in even further.

Why Social Media is so Important for Your Business

Years ago, if you thought that social media was just a trend that was going to go away, you likely were not alone, but as we can now see, it is the future of digital marketing and keeps growing each and every day. It doesn’t matter if you run a small local business or a big national company; social media is more than just a trend. It should be an essential piece of your business marketing strategy.

Social media has not only changed the way we do business, but it opens up previously closed doors. With over 4 billion active social media users worldwide, accounting for around 60% of the total global population, social media platforms provide a massive audience for your business to connect with your customers, increase brand awareness, and generate more leads. Basically, a huge chunk of your ideal audience is on social and using it to do research about your company and the products and services you offer and they need. To put it simply, if your brand isn’t on social, you are missing a large pool of potential customers.

Why is social media so important for your business? We review some of the key benefits getting social can bring for your brand.

  • Increases brand awareness and is a highly targeted way to reach your ideal audience
  • Humanizes your brand and allows you to create real life connections and show authenticity
  • Allows you to stay top of mind of your audience, so you’re their first stop when they’re ready to make a purchase
  • Attracts new customers all while getting customer feedback and building customer loyalty
  • Increases traffic to your website and improves your search engine ranking
  • Helps you grow your brand for a rather low cost
  • Builds trust, loyalty, communicates authority, and makes your brand establish purchasing confidence in potential customers
  • Assists you in gaining feedback from your audience that you can use to improve your brand
  • Provides a tool for reputation management and lets you address negative things and highlight positive things that people are saying about your business
  • Offers a quick way to communicate to your customers (i.e. you suddenly need to be closed for the day or are out of a product)
  • Allows you to learn more about your customers and what they like and dislike
  • Keeps you on top of what is going on with your competition and in the industry

We really could go on and on about why social media is important for your business, but we think we have gotten our point across with the above key benefits. Like we said, if your business is not social and actively using social media for your brand, you are not only missing out, you are losing business.

Simply just having your brand on social, isn’t enough. You need to connect with your followers and keep them in engaged, so your brand is always at the front of their minds. The more engaging you are, the more likely they are to utilize word of mouse and mouth and tell others about you. The whole goal of social media is to be social, so welcome it. Previously, we provided some tips for how you can embrace current social media trends to take your business to the next level; check them out here.

At Water Bear Marketing, we focus on surpassing our customers’ lead goals by Advertising With Intelligence®, instead of fixating on click costs, a click-through rate, or other industry jargon. We can help you with your social media strategy in multiple ways.

One of our most popular social media marketing products is OrganicSearch. Want to learn more? Contact us today for a free advertising consultation.

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