Advertising With Intelligence®


Get familiar with Water Bear Marketing's proven, next-level solutions and start advertising with intelligence.

Advertising Insights

Looking to stay ahead of the curve and competition? Check out our collection of marketing trends and insights.

What is Advertising With Intelligence?

Water Bear Marketing built technology called Advertising With Intelligence. Advertising With Intelligence is our proprietary marketing AI that helps us help our customers advertise intelligently based on their monthly budget, lead or revenue goals, and other data.

With Advertising With Intelligence, we can help figure out which online ads produce optimal outcomes, which search terms or keywords on search engines get the best results, which targeted audiences perform the best, and even how to send and craft precisely tailored messaging. Subsequently, we fine-tune our customer's marketing budgets to ensure they achieve maximum return on investment. This approach empowers your business to not only thrive but to significantly enhance its growth; helping your business get more business.

Our team of expert water bears makes sure all advertising campaigns are performing as expected and exceeding our customer's goals. We focus on surpassing our customers' lead goals by Advertising With Intelligence instead of fixating on click costs, impressions, click-through rates, or other industry jargon.

All of our customers have 24/7 access to our reporting dashboard, where they can readily view the outcomes of our marketing initiatives on their behalf.

Hydrate with ReEngage® Icon


Keep potential clients engaged with strategic communications.

Effectively communicate with potential, current, and former customers through multiple channels. Hydrate with ReEngage requires minimal setup to start sending powerful methods of communication.

Website Design Icon


Leverage first impressions with optimized and responsive websites.

Customized, optimized, and mobile responsive, our intuitive website designs are built for conversions. Make the first impression you want with our WebsiteDesign and development services.

Paid Search Icon


Establish visibility and generate website traffic with PaidSearch.

Reach 99% of the places that people search online with our proprietary technology. Water Bear Marketing provides proactive tracking of results through phone calls, online sales, and form submissions.

Organic SEO icon


Generate organic traffic while adding value to your website.

OrganicSearch is a multi-pronged approach to increase your brand's overall ranking on search engines. We start with on-site SEO for your website, we add in off-site SEO with authority building, citation building, and reputation management.

Banner Ads Icon


The right message at the right time to the right audience.

Eliminate wasted ad impressions by leveraging Water Bear Marketing's technology and proprietary targeting products. Banner ads help you create brand awareness in a place where viewers can take immediate action, online.

OnlineVideo Icon


Dial in on your target audience with proprietary targeting.

Get in front of people by leveraging a commercial that can be linked back to your website or landing page. Over 70% of adults are on mobile, desktop, or tablet devices; start connecting with your audience today.

Out of Home Icon


Get in front of the right eyes, from billboards to entertainment arenas.

Combine your digital efforts with your out-of-home advertising to differentiate yourself from the crowd. Reach audiences in critical locations within your target market and make a difference with Water Bear Marketing's targeting capabilities.



With OfflineTracking, you see what we see with full transparency. 

Curious about how other advertising efforts are performing? With OfflineTracking, Water Bear Marketing provides 24/7 access to call reporting, recording, and lead rating abilities to ensure your budget is well spent.

Chat Icon


Engage customers and improve user experience with Chat.

Unlock a new avenue for customers to connect and interact with your business. From gathering reviews to messaging customers about appointments and payments, Chat saves time and money while increasing engagement.

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