Does Having Chat on my Website Really Matter?

If you are like us, you love a good chat! It’s hard to imagine a person who doesn’t like to share their random thoughts with others, then hear what they have to say about them, and have a real live conversation. When it comes to having an online chat feature on your website, while it may not be the same as talking to a stranger in an elevator, it can really be beneficial for your business and your customers.

In today’s world, it seems like everyone wants immediate attention and answers to their questions. With the Internet making it possible for people to find things at the click of a button, if you are driving individuals to your company’s website and don’t offer a way for them to instantly interact with someone, should they need to, you will likely lose their interest and their business. While chat used to be a feature on websites just for support, brands are now starting to realize that it is much more than that and it can directly impact sales and customer loyalty. If you are wondering, “Does having chat on my website really matter?”, we are going to help you answer that question.

Let’s start with the basics, in case you don’t pay attention to nearly every website you go to, and cover what chat is.

Before we review if having chat on your website really matters, we wanted to touch base on what chat for your website is. Chances are you have seen and likely used live chat when interacting with a business before, but in case you haven’t, we have got you covered.

You know that little chat box that pops up at the bottom of a website and asks, “How can we help?”, or some version of that? Well, that’s what we are talking about when we refer to chat. Chat gives a company an additional way for website visitors to interact with their business. From gathering reviews, to messaging customers about appointments and collecting payments, chat can save customers and your business time, all while increasing interactions with your company. With chat, you can collect your website visitors’ contact information so you can follow up with them later and continue the conversation.

Chat functionally allows a business to stay in front of their ideal customer and to keep them engaged in their business. As another bonus, chat gives historical context for every conversation, so you can pick up the conversation at any time and have a complete record of every interaction. 92% of customers feel satisfied when they use the live chat feature when dealing with businesses, more than any other communication option. Whoa! Did we mention that 50% of consumers say that having a live person answer questions in the middle of a purchasing decision is one of the most important features a brand can offer?

We are going to get down to it and answer the question, “Does having chat on your website really matter?”

In case you weren’t paying attention to everything else we have said so far, we will keep this simple, yes, having chat on your website really matters. It matters for your sales and revenue and should matter to you as much as it does to your customers. Why does having live chat matter? Let’s break this down even more.

  • Provides a convenience for website visitors and is easy to use anywhere and anytime. People are used to our “on-the-go” world today and usually don’t want to pick up a phone to make a call if they have a question. Chat can be accessed worldwide and whenever your customer or potential customer has the time to do so. Chat also provides a faster response time, making you less likely to lose a person’s interest or for them to go elsewhere for the product or service they are looking for.
  • Increases sales and conversions. According to the American Marketing Association, companies who use live chat see, on average, a 20% increase in conversions. Another study found that 35% more people make a purchase online after using live chat. Live chat allows consumers to ask questions while they are in the buying funnel and receive answers. This keeps them engaged and encourages conversions. We know, when you own a business, sales are one of the most important things, so this one should really stand out.
  • Builds a rapport with customers and enhances customer satisfaction. Live chat is a great way to improve customer support and provide a memorable customer experience on your website. As we mentioned above, 92% of customers feel satisfied when they use the chat feature when dealing with businesses, more than any other communication option. Chat makes consumers feel connected to your business, and in turn, builds loyalty and trust. One study found that 90% of customers said that live chat gives them confidence that they can get help if they need it, and increases their trust in the business.
  • Helps you gather leads rather inexpensively. Having chat on your website really matters for your business because it is a great way to build a new or potential customer base. Not every person who is communicated with in your live chat will convert to a sale immediately; however, they were looking for your products and services, and are a warm lead for your organization. Use their gathered information to reach back out via another form of communication. Chat is almost always less expensive than purchasing lead lists, going door to door, cold calling, etc. Not to mention, live chat is generally 50% or more inexpensive than handling the same items via the phone.
  • Identifies and allows for cross-selling and upselling opportunities.  When users are using chat to communicate with your organization, they are engaged. What a perfect time to ask questions and identify cross-selling and upselling opportunities. While the customer may be inquiring about a specific product or service, if the right questions are asked, you may find that there may be another or additional solution that will also work for them, maybe even better than what they were looking for.

Chat is no longer just a feature customers look for when they are interacting with your company’s website, it is something that many expect. Having chat on your website really matters. Chat gives your company an additional way for your website visitors to interact with your business.

Water Bear Marketing can help ensure you aren’t missing out on sales and losing website visitors by not having chat on your website. With Water Bear Marketing’s chat feature, you can collect your website visitors’ contact information so you can follow up with them later and continue the conversation.

Contact us to schedule a free consultation today.

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