Year 3 Is in the Books

Today officially marks the end of Water Bear Marketing’s 3rd year as a company. As we venture into year 4, it’s important to reflect back on the past year and think about the future. While year 3 is in the books, it has been a journey full of challenges, exciting new adventures, and much growth for the organization. We are successful because of all of you and want to thank you for your support. We also must give a big shout out to our waterbears who allow us to achieve our goals each and every day and have come along for the ride with us, even if it gets crazy sometimes.

Because you likely don’t want to just sit here listening to us toot our own horn, we are going to dive in and let our CEO and waterbears do it for us. What is a celebration without a few pats on the back and praise? That’s one party we don’t want to be a part of.

What Our Water Bears have to Say About Year 3

At Water Bear Marketing, we focus on surpassing our customers’ lead goals by Advertising With Intelligence®, instead of fixating on click costs, a click-through rate, or other industry jargon.

When we asked Campaign Consultant Manager, Chris Rodriguez, what he thought the biggest achievement Water Bear Marketing had in the past year was, he said, “The growth of not only our company, but the customers we serve, and their overall expansion and presence through our marketing efforts”. He added that his proudest accomplishment over the last year was, “Knowing that we are making such a positive impact on the companies we work with, with growth in terms of their customer base, their hiring abilities, and the results we are getting for them through our efforts”.

“Water Bear Marketing continues to add new technologies and ideas to our organization and the marketing industry in general. This allows us to improve for our customers, and stand out with our innovative ways of doing things. Whether it’s sharing an idea that comes to mind at 3AM or troubleshooting challenges with each other, we all want what is best for the company, our fellow waterbears, and our clients. It’s fun to be a part of an organization where each and every employee truly makes an impact and leaves their mark”, said VP of Content and Communication, Danielle Louis. She added, “There is not a day that goes by that all of our waterbears do not put our customers first and work to advertise with intelligence for them”.

Laura Fisher, VP of PARA, said that Water Bear Marketing’s ability to adapt and grow has really impressed her this year. She added, “Since I have joined the team, the dashboard has grown immensely, the product selection has grown, and we have created a new program to attract partners, the PARA Program. Water Bear Marketing always puts the customer first, and understands the clients’ needs and wants and does what we can to accommodate”.

Our CEO’s Reflection of Year 3 and the Future

It is always fun to get some insight from our CEO, Nate Louis, so we have shared his interview below.

Q: What would you say is the biggest accomplishment Water Bear Marketing has had this year?

A: This year, one of our biggest improvements has to be with our reporting dashboard and our Advertising With Intelligence proprietary technology. We continue to work tirelessly to be transparent with our clients on the results of ad campaigns and the leads that have been generated.

Q: How has Water Bear Marketing evolved over the past 3 years? What has changed?

A: I think the biggest evolution we have made is when we decided to be built for scalability, have a healthy sized product offering, and offer tons of transparency through a reporting dashboard that is available 24/7. We are a bunch of waterbears that love doing the heavy lifting of campaign management, staying on top of all of the changes in the industry, doing a phenomenal job managing our clients’ advertising efforts, and condensing the results into something palatable for the business owners and Advertising Agencies; so they can focus on what they do best.

Q: What are you most proud of about Water Bear Marketing?

A: That’s a tough question… I am proud of a lot of things. I believe that the products in our AdPantry allow us to offer clients solutions that are well thought out, complex, and impactful… dollar for dollar we really have one of the best products and services on the market. We truly are hyper-focused on our customers’ goals and we are able to have very open expectation conversations with them, all while providing them with tangible and documented results.

Q: What is on the horizon for Water Bear Marketing for the immediate future (in year 4)?

A: We have a project, which I have been keeping super close to my vest for the last 6-8 months. I truly believe that when we roll this out, in the first half of 2022, it will forge a stronger bond between our PARA partners and our clients, and will help them “level up” their marketing efforts to a completely different “gaming console”. For us, this project is solving a hole in our customers’ marketing efforts, where I feel like everyone in the advertising industry has really struggled to wrap their hands around, for a multitude of reasons.

Aside from that small little project, we are also working on making improvements to our WordPress plugin, we have some AI that will be updated, and I think the rest of the year will be focused on improving processes.

Year 4 is Here and We are Ready

To wrap it up, we asked what Nate’s long-term vision is for Water Bear Marketing. He said, “I want to continue to scale the company and make sure our quality of work does not depreciate. We have worked so hard to provide our clients with the best products and services and to ensure they are getting the top results possible, and we don’t want to lose momentum. My goal is to help 1,000 small or medium-sized businesses get transparent results that help them grow their business. We are innovators, we are scrappy, we work for the small and medium-sized businesses who built their business out of dreams and elbow grease. We know how hard our clients work to build their business, make payroll every month, wear multiple hats, learn new things on the fly, go above and beyond, fail and succeed, were or are sleep deprived, probably started with more sweat than equity, and take pride in their work. We understand.”

With year 3 in the books, we are ready to take on year 4. As the world and advertising industry evolves, so will Water Bear Marketing. ​We believe that in today’s world, there is no room for guessing with your advertising dollars. We help our customers get a return on their online advertising dollars and prove the results.

Contact us today to get Free Consultation to make sure that you are getting exactly what you want from your advertising.

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